
class floodlight.core.property.DyadicProperty(property, name, framerate=None)[source]

Fragment of one continuous property per player dyad. Core class of floodlight.

  • property (np.ndarray) – A 3-dimensional array of properties of shape (T, N_1, N_2), where T is the number of total frames and {N_1, N_2} are the number of players between dyads are formed. For example, the item at (1, 2, 3) encodes the relation from player with xID=2 to player with xID=3 at frame 1. Note that players could be in the same team (intra-team relations, in this case N_1 = N_2) or opposing teams (inter-team relations).

  • name (str) – Name of the property (e.g. ‘distance’).

  • framerate (int, optional) – Temporal resolution of data in frames per second/Hertz.

slice(startframe=None, endframe=None, inplace=False)

Return copy of object with sliced property. Mimics numpy’s array slicing.

  • startframe (int, optional) – Start of slice. Defaults to beginning of segment.

  • endframe (int, optional) – End of slice (endframe is excluded). Defaults to end of segment.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If set to False (default), a new object is returned, otherwise the operation is performed in place on the called object.



Return type

Union[cls, None]

class floodlight.core.property.PlayerProperty(property, name, framerate=None)[source]

Fragment of one continuous property per player. Core class of floodlight.

  • property (np.ndarray) – A 2-dimensional array of properties of shape (T, N), where T is the number of total frames and N is the number of players.

  • name (str) – Name of the property (e.g. ‘speed’).

  • framerate (int, optional) – Temporal resolution of data in frames per second/Hertz.

slice(startframe=None, endframe=None, inplace=False)

Return copy of object with sliced property. Mimics numpy’s array slicing.

  • startframe (int, optional) – Start of slice. Defaults to beginning of segment.

  • endframe (int, optional) – End of slice (endframe is excluded). Defaults to end of segment.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If set to False (default), a new object is returned, otherwise the operation is performed in place on the called object.



Return type

Union[cls, None]

class floodlight.core.property.TeamProperty(property, name, framerate=None)[source]

Fragment of one continuous team property. Core class of floodlight.

  • property (np.ndarray) – A 1-dimensional array of properties of shape (T), where T is the number of total frames.

  • name (str) – Name of the property (e.g. ‘stretch_index’).

  • framerate (int, optional) – Temporal resolution of data in frames per second/Hertz.

slice(startframe=None, endframe=None, inplace=False)

Return copy of object with sliced property. Mimics numpy’s array slicing.

  • startframe (int, optional) – Start of slice. Defaults to beginning of segment.

  • endframe (int, optional) – End of slice (endframe is excluded). Defaults to end of segment.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – If set to False (default), a new object is returned, otherwise the operation is performed in place on the called object.



Return type

Union[cls, None]