
class floodlight.models.kinematics.AccelerationModel[source]

Computations for velocities of all players.

Upon calling the fit()-method, this model calculates the frame-wise acceleration for each player. The calculation can subsequently be queried by calling the corresponding method:


For input data in metrical units, the output equals the input unit. Differences between frames can be calculated with two different methods:

Central difference method (recommended) allows for differenciation without temporal shift:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{1}-y_{-1}}{t_{1} - t_{-1}}\]

The first and last frame are padded with linear extrapolation.

Backward difference method calculates the difference between each consecutive frame:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{0}-y_{-1}}{t_{0} - t_{-1}}\]

The first frame is padded prepending a ‘0’ at the beginning of the array along axis=1.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from floodlight import XY
>>> from floodlight.models.kinematics import AccelerationModel
>>> xy = XY(np.array(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2))), framerate=20)
>>> am = AccelerationModel()
>>> am.fit(xy)
>>> am.acceleration()
   [  23.60679775],
   [ 141.42135624],
   [ 118.47182945]]), name='acceleration', framerate=20)

Returns the frame-wise acceleration as computed by the fit method.


acceleration – A PlayerProperty object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the frame-wise acceleration.

Return type


fit(xy, difference='central', axis=None)[source]

Fits a model calculating accelerations of each player to an XY object.

  • xy (XY) – Floodlight XY Data object.

  • difference ({‘central’, ‘backward’}, optional) – The method of differentiation. ‘central’ will differentiate using the central difference method, ‘backward’ will differentiate using the backward difference method as described in the Notes.

  • axis ({None, ‘x’, ‘y’}, optional) – Optional argument that restricts distance calculation to either the x- or y-dimension of the data. If set to None (default), distances are calculated in both dimensions.

class floodlight.models.kinematics.DistanceModel[source]

Computations for Euclidean distances of all players.

Upon calling the fit()-method, this model calculates the frame-wise Euclidean distance for each player. The following calculations can subsequently be queried by calling the corresponding methods:


For input data in metrical units, the output equals the input unit. Differences between frames can be calculated with two different methods:

Central difference method (recommended) allows for differenciation without temporal shift:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{1}-y_{-1}}{t_{1} - t_{-1}}\]

The first and last frame are padded with linear extrapolation.

Backward difference method calculates the difference between each consecutive frame:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{0}-y_{-1}}{t_{0} - t_{-1}}\]

The first frame is padded prepending a ‘0’ at the beginning of the array along axis=1.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from floodlight import XY
>>> from floodlight.models.kinematics import DistanceModel
>>> xy = XY(np.array(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2))))
>>> dm = DistanceModel()
>>> dm.fit(xy)
>>> dm.distance_covered()
PlayerProperty(property=array([[1.        ],
   [1.41421356]]), name='distance_covered'0)
>>> dm.cumulative_distance_covered()
PlayerProperty(property=array([[1.        ],
   [1.41421356]]), name='distance_covered')

Returns the cumulative distance covered.


cumulative_distance_euclidean – A PlayerProperty object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the cumulative Euclidean distance covered calculated by numpy.nancumsum() over axis=0.

Return type



Returns the frame-wise distance covered as computed by the fit method.


distance_euclidean – A PlayerProperty object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the frame-wise Euclidean distance covered.

Return type


fit(xy, difference='central', axis=None)[source]

Fits a model calculating Euclidean distances of each player to an XY object.

  • xy (XY) – Floodlight XY Data object.

  • difference ({‘central’, ‘backward’}, optional) – The method of differentiation. ‘central’ will differentiate using the central difference method, ‘backward’ will differentiate using the backward difference method as described in the Notes.

  • axis ({None, ‘x’, ‘y’}, optional) – Optional argument that restricts distance calculation to either the x- or y-dimension of the data. If set to None (default), distances are calculated in both dimensions.

class floodlight.models.kinematics.VelocityModel[source]

Computations for velocities of all players.

Upon calling the fit()-method, this model calculates the frame-wise velocity for each player. The calculation can subsequently be queried by calling the corresponding method:


For input data in metrical units, the output equals the input unit. Differences between frames can be calculated with two different methods:

Central difference method (recommended) allows for differenciation without temporal shift:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{1}-y_{-1}}{t_{1} - t_{-1}}\]

The first and last frame are padded with linear extrapolation.

Backward difference method calculates the difference between each consecutive frame:

\[y^{\prime}(t_{0}) = \frac{y_{0}-y_{-1}}{t_{0} - t_{-1}}\]

The first frame is padded prepending a ‘0’ at the beginning of the array along axis=1.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from floodlight import XY
>>> from floodlight.models.kinematics import VelocityModel
>>> xy = XY(np.array(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2))), framerate=20)
>>> vm = VelocityModel()
>>> vm.fit(xy)
>>> vm.velocity()
PlayerProperty(property=array([[20.        ],
   [28.28427125]]), name='velocity', framerate=20)
fit(xy, difference='central', axis=None)[source]

Fits a model calculating velocities of each player to an XY object.

  • xy (XY) – Floodlight XY Data object.

  • difference ({‘central’, ‘backward’}, optional) – The method of differentiation. ‘central’ will differentiate using the central difference method, ‘backward’ will differentiate using the backward difference method as described in the Notes.

  • axis ({None, ‘x’, ‘y’}, optional) – Optional argument that restricts distance calculation to either the x- or y-dimension of the data. If set to None (default), distances are calculated in both dimensions.


Returns the frame-wise velocity as computed by the fit method.


velocity – A PlayerProperty object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the frame-wise velocity.

Return type
