Source code for floodlight.core.xy

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Tuple, Union

import matplotlib
import numpy as np

from floodlight.utils.types import Numeric
from floodlight.vis.positions import plot_positions, plot_trajectories

[docs]@dataclass class XY: """Spatio-temporal data fragment. Core class of floodlight. Parameters ---------- xy: np.ndarray Full data array containing x- and y-coordinates, where each player's coordinates occupy two consecutive columns. framerate: int, optional Temporal resolution of data in frames per second/Hertz. direction: {'lr', 'rl'}, optional Playing direction of players in data fragment, should be either 'lr' (left-to-right) or 'rl' (right-to-left). Attributes ---------- x: np.array X-data array, where each player's x-coordinates occupy one column. y: np.array Y-data array, where each player's y-coordinates occupy one column. N: int The object's number of players. """ xy: np.ndarray framerate: int = None direction: str = None def __str__(self): return f"Floodlight XY object of shape {self.xy.shape}" def __len__(self): return len(self.xy) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.xy[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.xy[key] = value @property def N(self) -> int: n_columns = self.xy.shape[1] if (n_columns % 2) != 0: raise ValueError(f"XY has an odd number of columns ({n_columns})") return n_columns // 2 @property def x(self) -> np.array: """X-data array, where each player's x-coordinates occupy one column.""" return self.xy[:, ::2] @x.setter def x(self, x_data: np.ndarray): self.xy[:, ::2] = x_data @property def y(self) -> np.array: """Y-data array, where each player's y-coordinates occupy one column.""" return self.xy[:, 1::2] @y.setter def y(self, y_data: np.ndarray): self.xy[:, 1::2] = y_data
[docs] def frame(self, t: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns data for given frame *t*. Parameters ---------- t : int Frame index. Returns ------- frame : np.ndarray One-dimensional xy-data row for given frame. """ return self.xy[t, :]
[docs] def player(self, xID: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns data for player with given player index *xID*. Parameters ---------- xID : int Player index. Returns ------- player : np.ndarray Two-dimensional xy-data for given player. """ return self.xy[:, xID * 2 : xID * 2 + 2]
[docs] def point(self, t: int, xID: int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns data for a point determined by frame *t* and player index *xID*. Parameters ---------- t: int Frame index. xID: int Player index. Returns ------- point : np.ndarray Point-data of shape (2,) """ return self.xy[t, xID * 2 : xID * 2 + 2]
[docs] def translate(self, shift: Tuple[Numeric, Numeric]): """Translates data by shift vector. Parameters ---------- shift : list or array-like Shift vector of form v = (x, y). Any iterable data type with two numeric entries is accepted. Notes ----- Executing this method will cast the object's xy attribute to dtype np.float32 if it previously has a non-floating dtype. """ # cast to float if self.xy.dtype not in [np.float_, np.float64, np.float32, float]: self.xy = self.xy.astype(np.float32, copy=False) self.x = np.round(self.x + shift[0], 3) self.y = np.round(self.y + shift[1], 3)
[docs] def scale(self, factor: float, axis: str = None): """Scales data by a given factor and optionally selected axis. Parameters ---------- factor : float Scaling factor. axis : {None, 'x', 'y'}, optional Name of scaling axis. If set to 'x' data is scaled on x-axis, if set to 'y' data is scaled on y-axis. If None, data is scaled in both directions (default). Notes ----- Executing this method will cast the object's xy attribute to dtype np.float32 if it previously has a non-floating dtype. """ # cast to float if self.xy.dtype not in [np.float_, np.float64, np.float32, float]: self.xy = self.xy.astype(np.float32, copy=False) if axis is None: self.xy = np.round(self.xy * factor, 3) elif axis == "x": self.x = np.round(self.x * factor, 3) elif axis == "y": self.y = np.round(self.y * factor, 3) else: raise ValueError(f"Expected axis to be one of ('x', 'y', None), got {axis}")
[docs] def reflect(self, axis: str): """Reflects data on given `axis`. Parameters ---------- axis : {'x', 'y'} Name of reflection axis. If set to "x", data is reflected on x-axis, if set to "y", data is reflected on y-axis. """ if axis == "x": self.scale(factor=-1, axis="y") elif axis == "y": self.scale(factor=-1, axis="x") else: raise ValueError(f"Expected axis to be one of ('x', 'y'), got {axis}")
[docs] def rotate(self, alpha: float): """Rotates data on given angle 'alpha' around the origin. Parameters ---------- alpha: float Rotation angle in degrees. Alpha must be between -360 and 360. If positive alpha, data is rotated in counter clockwise direction around the origin. If negative, data is rotated in clockwise direction around the origin. Notes ----- Executing this method will cast the object's xy attribute to dtype np.float32 if it previously has a non-floating dtype. """ if not (-360 <= alpha <= 360): raise ValueError( f"Expected alpha to be from -360 to 360, got {alpha} instead" ) # cast to float if self.xy.dtype not in [np.float_, np.float64, np.float32, float]: self.xy = self.xy.astype(np.float32, copy=False) # construct rotation matrix phi = np.radians(alpha) cos = np.cos(phi) sin = np.sin(phi) r = np.array([[cos, -sin], [sin, cos]]).transpose() # perform player-wise rotation - this correctly handles nan's compared to # block matrix approach for p in range(self.N): columns = (p * 2, p * 2 + 1) self.xy[:, columns] = np.round(self.xy[:, columns] @ r, 3)
[docs] def slice( self, startframe: int = None, endframe: int = None, inplace: bool = False ): """Return copy of object with sliced data. Mimics numpy's array slicing. Parameters ---------- startframe : int, optional Start of slice. Defaults to beginning of segment. endframe : int, optional End of slice (endframe is excluded). Defaults to end of segment. inplace: bool, optional If set to ``False`` (default), a new object is returned, otherwise the operation is performed in place on the called object. Returns ------- xy_sliced: Union[XY, None] """ sliced_data = self.xy[startframe:endframe, :].copy() xy_sliced = None if inplace: self.xy = sliced_data else: xy_sliced = XY( xy=sliced_data, framerate=deepcopy(self.framerate), direction=deepcopy(self.direction), ) return xy_sliced
[docs] def plot( self, t: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], plot_type: str = "positions", ball: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes = None, **kwargs, ) -> matplotlib.axes: """Plots a snapshot or time intervall of the object's spatiotemporal data on a matplotlib axes. Parameters ---------- t: Union[int, Tuple [int, int]] Frame for which postions should be plotted if plot_type == 'positions', or a Tuple that has the form (start_frame, end_frame) if plot_type == 'trajectories'. plot_type: str, optional One of {'positions', 'trajectories'}. Determines which plotting function is called. Defaults to 'positions'. ball: bool, optional Boolean indicating whether this object is storing ball data. If set to True, the styling is adjusted accordingly. Defaults to False. ax: matplotlib.axes, optional Axes from matplotlib library to plot on. Defaults to None. kwargs: Optional keyworded arguments e.g. {'color', 'zorder', 'marker', 'linestyle', 'alpha'} which can be used for the plot functions from matplotlib. The kwargs are only passed to all the plot functions of matplotlib. If not given default values are used (see floodlight.vis.positions). Returns ------- axes: matplotlib.axes Axes from matplotlib library on which the specified plot type is plotted. Notes ----- The kwargs are only passed to the plot functions of matplotlib. To customize the plots have a look at `matplotlib <>`_. For example in order to modify the color of the points and lines pass a color name or rgb-value (`matplotlib colors <>`_) to the keyworded argument 'color'. The same principle applies to other kwargs like 'zorder', 'marker' and 'linestyle'. Examples -------- - :ref:`Positions plot <positions-plot-label>` - :ref:`Trajectories plot <trajectories-plot-label>` """ plot_types = ["positions", "trajectories"] # call visualization function based on plot_type if plot_type == "positions": return plot_positions(self, t, ball, ax=ax, **kwargs) elif plot_type == "trajectories": return plot_trajectories(self, t[0], t[1], ball, ax=ax, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( f"Expected plot_type to be one of {plot_types}, got {plot_type} " "instead." )