Source code for

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from floodlight.core.xy import XY

[docs]def get_column_names_from_csv(filepath_data: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: """Reads first line of a Kinexon.csv-file and extracts the column names. Parameters ---------- filepath_data: str or pathlib.Path Full path to Kinexon.csv-file. Returns ------- columns: List[str] List with every column name of the .csv-file. """ with open(str(filepath_data), encoding="utf-8") as f: columns = f.readline().split(",") return columns
def _get_column_links(filepath_data: Union[str, Path]) -> Union[None, Dict[str, int]]: """Creates a dictionary with the relevant recorded columns and their corresponding column index in the Kinexon.csv-file. Parameters ---------- filepath_data: str or pathlib.Path Full path to Kinexon.csv-file. Returns ------- column_links: Dict[str, int] Dictionary with column index for relevant recorded columns. 'column_links[column] = index' The following columns are currently considered relevant: floodlight id: 'column name in Kinexon.csv-file - time: 'ts in ms' - sensor_id: 'sensor id' - mapped_id: 'mapped id' - name: 'full name' - group_id: 'group id' - x_coord: 'x in m' - y_coord: 'y in m' """ recorded_columns = get_column_names_from_csv(str(filepath_data)) # relevant columns mapping = { "ts in ms": "time", "sensor id": "sensor_id", "mapped id": "mapped_id", "full name": "name", "number": "number", "group id": "group_id", "group name": "group_name", "x in m": "x_coord", "y in m": "y_coord", } necessary_columns = ["time", "x_coord", "y_coord"] column_links = {} # loop for key in mapping: # create links if key in recorded_columns: column_links.update({mapping[key]: recorded_columns.index(key)}) # check if necessary columns are available if not all(columns in column_links for columns in necessary_columns): warnings.warn( "Data file lacks critical information! " "No timestamp or coordinates found." ) return None return column_links def _get_group_id( recorded_group_identifier: List[str], column_links: Dict[str, int], single_line: List[str], ) -> Union[str, None]: """Returns the group_name or group_id if it was recorded or "0" if not. Favors the group_name over the group_id. Parameters ---------- recorded_group_identifier: List[str] List of all recorded group identifiers. Group identifiers are "group_id" or "group_name". column_links: Dict[str, int] Dictionary with column index for relevant recorded columns. 'column_links[column] = index' The following columns are currently considered relevant: floodlight id: 'column name in Kinexon.csv-file - time: 'ts in ms' - sensor_id: 'sensor id' - mapped_id: 'mapped id' - name: 'full name' - group_id: 'group id' - x_coord: 'x in m' - y_coord: 'y in m' single_line: List[str] Single line of a Kinexon.csv-file that has been split at the respective delimiter, eg. ",". Returns ------- group_id: str The respective group id in that line or "0" if there is no group id. """ # check for group identifier has_groups = len(recorded_group_identifier) > 0 if has_groups: # extract group identifier if "group_name" in recorded_group_identifier: group_identifier = "group_name" elif "group_id" in recorded_group_identifier: group_identifier = "group_id" else: warnings.warn("Data has groups but no group identifier!") return None group_id = single_line[column_links[group_identifier]] # no groups else: group_id = "0" return group_id
[docs]def get_meta_data( filepath_data: Union[str, Path] ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]], int, int, int]: """Reads Kinexon's position data file and extracts meta-data about groups, sensors, length and framerate. Parameters ---------- filepath_data: str or pathlib.Path Full path to Kinexon.csv-file. Returns ------- pID_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]], Nested dictionary that stores information about the pIDs from every player- identifying column in every group. 'pID_dict[group_identifier][identifying_column] = [pID1, pID2, ..., pIDn]' When recording and exporting Kinexon data, the pID can be stored in different columns. Player-identifying columns are "sensor_id", "mapped_id", and "full_name". If the respective column is in the recorded data, its pIDs are listed in pID_dict. As with pID, group ids can be stored in different columns. Group-identifying columns are "group_name" and "group_id". If both are available, group_name will be favored over group_id as the group_identifier. number_of_frames: int Number of frames from the first to the last recorded frame. framerate: int Estimated framerate in frames per second. Estimated from the smallest difference between two consecutive frames. t_null: int Timestamp of the first recorded frame """ column_links = _get_column_links(str(filepath_data)) sensor_identifier = {"name", "number", "sensor_id", "mapped_id"} column_links_set = set(column_links) recorded_sensor_identifier = list(column_links_set & sensor_identifier) sensor_links = { key: index for (key, index) in column_links.items() if key in recorded_sensor_identifier } group_identifier_set = {"group_id", "group_name"} recorded_group_identifier = list(column_links_set & group_identifier_set) # dict for pIDs pID_dict = {} # list for timestamps t = [] # check for group identifier has_groups = len(recorded_group_identifier) > 0 if not has_groups: warnings.warn("Since no group exist in data, dummy group '0' is created!") # loop with open(str(filepath_data), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: # skip the header of the file _ = f.readline() while True: line_string = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(line_string) == 0: break # split str line = line_string.split(",") # extract frames timestamp t.append(int(line[column_links["time"]])) # extract group_id group_id = _get_group_id(recorded_group_identifier, column_links, line) # create group dict in pID_dict if group_id not in pID_dict: pID_dict.update({group_id: {}}) # create links for identifier in sensor_links: # extract identifier if identifier not in pID_dict[group_id]: pID_dict[group_id].update({identifier: []}) # extract ids if line[column_links[identifier]] not in pID_dict[group_id][identifier]: pID_dict[group_id][identifier].append( line[column_links[identifier]] ) # sort dict pID_dict = dict(sorted(pID_dict.items())) # estimate framerate timestamps = list(set(t)) timestamps.sort() timestamps = np.array(timestamps) minimum_time_step = np.min(np.diff(timestamps)) # timestamps are in milliseconds. Magic number 1000 is needed for conversion to # seconds. framerate = 1000 / minimum_time_step # non-integer framerate if not framerate.is_integer(): warnings.warn( f"Non-integer frame rate: Minimum time step of " f"{minimum_time_step} detected. Framerate is round to " f"{int(framerate)}." ) framerate = int(framerate) # 1000 again needed to account for millisecond to second conversion. number_of_frames = int((timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]) / (1000 / framerate)) t_null = timestamps[0] return pID_dict, number_of_frames, framerate, t_null
def _get_available_sensor_identifier(pID_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]) -> str: """Returns an available sensor identifier that has been recorded. Will favor "name" over "mapped_id" over "sensor_id" over "number". Parameters ---------- pID_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]], Nested dictionary that stores information about the pIDs from every player- identifying column in every group. 'pID_dict[group][identifying_column] = [pID1, pID2, ..., pIDn]' When recording and exporting Kinexon data, the pID can be stored in different columns. Player-identifying columns are "sensor_id", "mapped_id", and "full_name". If the respective column is in the recorded data, its pIDs are listed in pID_dict. Returns ------- identifier: str One sensor identifier that has been recorded. """ player_identifiers = ["name", "mapped_id", "sensor_id", "number"] available_identifier = [ idt for idt in player_identifiers if idt in list(pID_dict.values())[0] ] identifier = available_identifier[0] return identifier
[docs]def read_position_data_csv(filepath_data: Union[str, Path]) -> List[XY]: """Parses a Kinexon csv file and extracts position data. Kinexon's local positioning system delivers one .csv file containing the position data. This function provides a high-level access to Kinexon data by parsing "the full file" given the path to the file. Parameters ---------- filepath_data: str or pathlib.Path Full path to Kinexon .csv-file. Returns ------- positions: List[XY] List of XY-objects for the whole game, one per group. The order of groups is ascending according to their group_id. If no groups are specified in the file, all data gets assigned to a dummy group "0". The order inside the groups is ascending according to their appearance in the data. """ # get metadata pID_dict, number_of_frames, framerate, t_null = get_meta_data(filepath_data) # get links links = create_links_from_meta_data(pID_dict) # get column-links column_links = _get_column_links(filepath_data) column_links_set = set(column_links) group_identifier_set = {"group_id", "group_name"} recorded_group_identifier = list(column_links_set & group_identifier_set) # available sensor identifier identifier = _get_available_sensor_identifier(pID_dict) # create np.array for data number_of_sensors = {} xydata = {} for group in links: number_of_sensors.update({group: len(links[group])}) xydata.update( { group: np.full( [number_of_frames + 1, number_of_sensors[group] * 2], np.nan ) } ) # loop with open(str(filepath_data), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: # skip the header of the file _ = f.readline() while True: line_string = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(line_string) == 0: break # split str line = line_string.split(",") timestamp = int(line[column_links["time"]]) # set group group_id = _get_group_id(recorded_group_identifier, column_links, line) # set column x_col = links[group_id][line[column_links[identifier]]] * 2 y_col = x_col + 1 # set row row = int((timestamp - t_null) / (1000 / framerate)) # set (x, y)-data x_coordinate = line[column_links["x_coord"]] y_coordinate = line[column_links["y_coord"]] # insert (x, y)-data into column and row of respective array if x_coordinate != "": xydata[group_id][row, x_col] = x_coordinate if y_coordinate != "": xydata[group_id][row, y_col] = y_coordinate data_objects = [] for group_id in xydata: data_objects.append(XY(xy=xydata[group_id], framerate=framerate)) return data_objects