Source code for

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

import pytz
import iso8601
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from import Events
from floodlight.core.code import Code
from floodlight.core.pitch import Pitch
from floodlight.core.xy import XY
from floodlight.core.teamsheet import Teamsheet
from import get_and_convert

def _get_position_precedence(position: str) -> int:
    """Get the precedence of a position abbreviation (e.g. 'GK') useful for ordering."""
        "GK": 1,
        "LB": 2,
        "LCB": 3,
        "CB": 4,
        "RCB": 5,
        "RB": 6,
        "LWB": 7,
        "LDM": 8,
        "CDM": 9,
        "RDM": 10,
        "RWB": 11,
        "LM": 12,
        "LCM": 13,
        "CM": 14,
        "RCM": 15,
        "RM": 16,
        "LW": 17,
        "CAM": 18,
        "RW": 19,
        "LF": 20,
        "LCF": 21,
        "CF": 22,
        "RCF": 23,
        "RF": 24,
        "SUB": 99,
    # unknown positions are inserted between known positions and substitutes
    precedence = PLAYER_POSITION_PRECEDENCE.get(position, 23)

    return precedence

def _read_metajson(
    filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path]
) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Dict, Pitch]:
    """Reads Second Spectrums's metadata file and extracts information about match
    metainfo, periods, playing directions, and the pitch.

    filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path
        Full path to _meta.json file.

    metadata: dict
        Dictionary with meta information such as framerate.
    periods: Dict[Tuple[int, int]]
        Dictionary with start and endframes of all segments, e.g.,
        ``periods[segment] = (startframe, endframe)``.
    directions: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
        Dictionary with playing direction information of all segments and teams,
        e.g., ``directions[segment][team] = 'lr'``
    pitch: Pitch
        Pitch object with actual pitch length and width.
    # read file
    with open(str(filepath_metadata), "r") as f:
        metajson = json.load(f)

    # bin
    metadata = {}
    periods = {}
    directions = {}

    # assemble metadata
    metadata["framerate"] = metajson.get("fps", None)
    metadata["length"] = metajson.get("pitchLength", None)
    metadata["width"] = metajson.get("pitchWidth", None)
    metadata["home_tID"] = get_and_convert(metajson, "homeOptaId", int)
    metadata["away_tID"] = get_and_convert(metajson, "awayOptaId", int)

    # get period information
    for period in metajson["periods"]:
        segment = f"HT{period['number']}"
        periods[segment] = (period["startFrameIdx"], period["endFrameIdx"] + 1)

    # get playing direction
    for period in metajson["periods"]:
        segment = f"HT{period['number']}"
        directions[segment] = {}
        if period["homeAttPositive"]:
            directions[segment]["Home"] = "lr"
            directions[segment]["Away"] = "rl"
            directions[segment]["Home"] = "rl"
            directions[segment]["Away"] = "lr"

    # generate pitch object
    pitch = Pitch.from_template(

    return metadata, periods, directions, pitch

[docs]def read_teamsheets_from_meta_json( filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path] ) -> Dict[str, Teamsheet]: """Parses the Second Spectrum meta.json-file and creates respective teamsheets for the home and the away team. Parameters ---------- filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path Full path to _meta.json file. Returns ------- teamsheets: Dict[str, Teamsheet] Dictionary with teamsheets for the home team and the away team. Notes ----- The ordering of players is determined by position precedence, with the following precedence values assigned to Second Spectrum's player position information:: { 'GK': 1, 'LB': 2, 'LCB': 3, 'CB': 4, 'RCB': 5, 'RB': 6, 'LWB': 7, 'LDM': 8, 'CDM': 9, 'RDM': 10, 'RWB': 11, 'LM': 12, 'LCM': 13, 'CM': 14, 'RCM': 15, 'RM': 16, 'LW': 17, 'CAM': 18, 'RW': 19, 'LF': 20, 'LCF': 21, 'CF': 22, 'RCF': 23, 'RF': 24, 'SUB': 99 } """ # read file with open(str(filepath_metadata), "r") as f: metajson = json.load(f) # param key_map = {"Home": "homePlayers", "Away": "awayPlayers"} # bin teamsheets = {team: None for team in ["Home", "Away"]} # loop through teams for team in ["Home", "Away"]: # bin teamsheet = { column: [] for column in ["precedence", "player", "jID", "pID", "position"] } # query team player list player_list = metajson[key_map[team]] # add players to list for player in player_list: # query name = get_and_convert(player, "name", str) position = get_and_convert(player, "position", str) jID = get_and_convert(player, "number", int) pID = get_and_convert(player, "optaId", int) precedence = _get_position_precedence(position) # assign teamsheet["player"].append(name) teamsheet["position"].append(position) teamsheet["jID"].append(jID) teamsheet["pID"].append(pID) teamsheet["precedence"].append(precedence) # curate teamsheet = pd.DataFrame(teamsheet) teamsheet.sort_values("precedence", inplace=True) teamsheet.drop(["precedence"], axis=1, inplace=True) teamsheet.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) teamsheet = Teamsheet(teamsheet) teamsheets[team] = teamsheet return teamsheets
[docs]def read_position_data_jsonl( filepath_position: Union[str, Path], filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path], teamsheet_home: Teamsheet = None, teamsheet_away: Teamsheet = None, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, Dict[str, XY]], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Teamsheet], Pitch, ]: """Parse Second Spectrum files and extract position data, possession and ballstatus codes, as well as pitch information. Second Spectrum data is typically stored in two separate files, a .jsonl file containing the actual data as well as a _meta.json containing information about pitch size, framerate, lineups and start- and endframes of match periods. This function provides a high-level access to Second Spectrum data by parsing "the full match" given both files. Parameters ---------- filepath_position: str or pathlib.Path Full path to .jsonl-file. filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path Full path to _meta.json file. teamsheet_home: Teamsheet, optional Teamsheet object for the home team used to create link dictionaries of the form `links[team][jID] = xID`. The links are used to map players to a specific xID in the respective XY objects. Should be supplied for custom ordering. If given as None (default), teamsheet is extracted from the meta.json file and xIDs are assigned based on the ordering determined by the ``read_teamsheets_from_metajson`` function (see for details). teamsheet_away: Teamsheet, optional Teamsheet object for the away team. If given as None (default), teamsheet is extracted from the meta.json-file. See teamsheet_home for details. Returns ------- data_objects: Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, XY]], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Code], \ Dict[str, Teamsheet], Pitch] Tuple of (nested) floodlight core objects with shape (xy_objects, possession_objects, ballstatus_objects, teamsheets, pitch). ``xy_objects`` is a nested dictionary containing ``XY`` objects for each team and segment of the form ``xy_objects[segment][team] = XY``. For a typical league match with two halves and teams this dictionary looks like: ``{'HT1': {'Home': XY, 'Away': XY}, 'HT2': {'Home': XY, 'Away': XY}}``. ``possession_objects`` is a dictionary containing ``Code`` objects with possession information (home or away) for each segment of the form ``possession_objects[segment] = Code``. ``ballstatus_objects`` is a dictionary containing ``Code`` objects with ballstatus information (dead or alive) for each segment of the form ``ballstatus_objects[segment] = Code``. ``teamsheets`` is a dictionary containing ``Teamsheet`` objects for each team of the form ``teamsheets[team] = Teamsheet``. ``pitch`` is a ``Pitch`` object corresponding to the data. """ # setup metadata, periods, directions, pitch = _read_metajson(str(filepath_metadata)) segments = list(periods.keys()) teams = ["Home", "Away"] fps = int(metadata["framerate"]) status_link = {True: "A", False: "D"} key_map = {"Home": "homePlayers", "Away": "awayPlayers"} # create or check teamsheet objects if teamsheet_home is None and teamsheet_away is None: teamsheets = read_teamsheets_from_meta_json(filepath_metadata) teamsheet_home = teamsheets["Home"] teamsheet_away = teamsheets["Away"] elif teamsheet_home is None: teamsheets = read_teamsheets_from_meta_json(filepath_metadata) teamsheet_home = teamsheets["Home"] elif teamsheet_away is None: teamsheets = read_teamsheets_from_meta_json(filepath_metadata) teamsheet_away = teamsheets["Away"] else: pass # potential check # create links if "xID" not in teamsheet_home.teamsheet.columns: teamsheet_home.add_xIDs() if "xID" not in teamsheet_away.teamsheet.columns: teamsheet_away.add_xIDs() links_jID_to_xID = { "Home": teamsheet_home.get_links("jID", "xID"), "Away": teamsheet_away.get_links("jID", "xID"), } # bins xydata = { team: { segment: np.full( [ periods[segment][1] - periods[segment][0], # T frames in segment len(links_jID_to_xID[team]) * 2, # N players in team ], np.nan, ) for segment in segments } for team in teams } xydata["Ball"] = { segment: np.full([periods[segment][1] - periods[segment][0], 2], np.nan) for segment in segments } codes = { code: { segment: np.full( [periods[segment][1] - periods[segment][0]], np.nan, dtype=object ) for segment in segments } for code in ["possession", "ballstatus"] } # loop with open(str(filepath_position), "r") as f: while True: # get one line of file dataline = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(dataline) == 0: break # load json dataline = json.loads(dataline) # get dataline meta information and correct for frame offset segment = f"HT{dataline['period']}" frame_abs = dataline["frameIdx"] frame_rel = frame_abs - periods[segment][0] # insert (x,y)-data into correct np.array, at correct place (t, xID) for team in teams: player_data = dataline[key_map[team]] for player in player_data: # map jersey number to array index and infer respective columns jID = player["number"] x_col = (links_jID_to_xID[team][jID]) * 2 y_col = (links_jID_to_xID[team][jID]) * 2 + 1 xydata[team][segment][frame_rel, (x_col, y_col)] = player["xyz"][:2] # get ball data if "ball" in dataline and dataline["ball"].get("xyz") is not None: xydata["Ball"][segment][frame_rel] = dataline["ball"]["xyz"][:2] # get codes if "lastTouch" in dataline: possession = dataline["lastTouch"][0].upper() else: possession = None codes["possession"][segment][frame_rel] = possession if "live" in dataline: ballstatus = status_link[dataline["live"]] else: ballstatus = None codes["ballstatus"][segment][frame_rel] = ballstatus # create objects xy_objects = {} possession_objects = {} ballstatus_objects = {} for segment in segments: xy_objects[segment] = {} possession_objects[segment] = Code( code=codes["possession"][segment], name="possession", definitions={"H": "Home", "A": "Away"}, framerate=fps, ) ballstatus_objects[segment] = Code( code=codes["ballstatus"][segment], name="ballstatus", definitions={"D": "Dead", "A": "Alive"}, framerate=fps, ) for team in ["Home", "Away"]: xy_objects[segment][team] = XY( xy=xydata[team][segment], framerate=fps, direction=directions[segment][team], ) xy_objects[segment]["Ball"] = XY(xy=xydata["Ball"][segment], framerate=fps) teamsheets = { "Home": teamsheet_home, "Away": teamsheet_away, } # pack objects data_objects = ( xy_objects, possession_objects, ballstatus_objects, teamsheets, pitch, ) return data_objects
[docs]def read_event_data_jsonl( filepath_insight: Union[str, Path], filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Events]], Pitch]: """Parse Second Spectrums's Insight file (containing match events) and extract event data and pitch information. This function provides a high-level access to the particular Second Spectrum Insight file and will return event objects for both teams. The number of segments is inferred from the data, yet data for each segment is stored in a separate object. Parameters ---------- filepath_insight: str or pathlib.Path Full path to .jsonl-file. filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path Full path to _meta.json file. Returns ------- data_objects: Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, Events]], Pitch] Tuple of (nested) floodlight core objects with shape (events_objects, pitch). ``events_objects`` is a nested dictionary containing ``Events`` objects for each team and segment of the form ``events_objects[segment][team] = Events``. For a typical league match with two halves and teams this dictionary looks like: ``{'HT1': {'Home': Events, 'Away': Events}, 'HT2': {'Home': Events, 'Away': Events}}``. ``pitch`` is a ``Pitch`` object corresponding to the data. Notes ----- Second Spectrum's Insight files can be seen as a union of (wrapped) Opta event feeds and attached Second Spectrum markings. Thus, properties of the Opta F24-feed parser also mostly apply to this parser. This particularly includes the handling of qualifiers, which are included as a string in the ``qualifier`` column of the returned DataFrame's. Second Spectrum markings are disregarded at this moment, but could be included in future releases. """ # 1. assemble meta info metadata, periods, _, _ = _read_metajson(filepath_metadata) teams = ["Home", "Away"] tID_link = { metadata["home_tID"]: "Home", metadata["away_tID"]: "Away", } segments = periods.keys() # 2. parse events # bins columns = [ "eID", "gameclock", "pID", "outcome", "timestamp", "minute", "second", "at_x", "at_y", "qualifier", ] event_lists = { team: {segment: {col: [] for col in columns} for segment in segments} for team in teams } directions = {team: {} for team in teams} dir_link = {"Left to Right": "lr", "Right to Left": "rl"} segment_offsets = {1: 0, 2: 45, 3: 90, 4: 105} kickoffs = {} # parse file for meta events (directions and kick-offs) with open(str(filepath_insight), "r") as f: while True: # get one line of file dataline = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(dataline) == 0: break # load json dataline = json.loads(dataline) optaline = dataline["optaEvent"] if optaline is None: continue if optaline["typeId"] == 32: # get team and segment information period = get_and_convert(optaline, "periodId", int) segment = "HT" + str(period) tID = get_and_convert(optaline, "opContestantId", int) team = tID_link[tID] # read kickoff times kickoff_timestring = get_and_convert(optaline, "timeStamp", str) kickoff_datetime = iso8601.parse_date( kickoff_timestring, default_timezone=pytz.utc ) kickoffs[segment] = kickoff_datetime # read playing direction direction = None for qualifier in get_and_convert(optaline, "qualifier", list, []): if get_and_convert(qualifier, "qualifierId", int) == 127: value = get_and_convert(qualifier, "value", str) direction = dir_link.get(value) directions[team][segment] = direction # parse file for match events with open(str(filepath_insight), "r") as f: while True: # get one line of file dataline = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(dataline) == 0: break # load json dataline = json.loads(dataline) optaline = dataline["optaEvent"] # secspecline = dataline["2sMarking"] if optaline is None: continue # get team and segment information period = get_and_convert(optaline, "periodId", int) segment = "HT" + str(period) tID = get_and_convert(optaline, "opContestantId", int) team = tID_link[tID] # skip match-unrelated events if period not in range(1, 6): continue # identifier and outcome: eID = get_and_convert(optaline, "typeId", int) # skip unwanted events if eID in [30]: continue pID = get_and_convert(optaline, "opPlayerId", int) outcome = get_and_convert(optaline, "outcome", int) event_lists[team][segment]["eID"].append(eID) event_lists[team][segment]["pID"].append(pID) event_lists[team][segment]["outcome"].append(outcome) # absolute and relative time event_timestring = get_and_convert(optaline, "timeStamp", str) minute = get_and_convert(optaline, "timeMin", int) # transform minute to be relative to current segment minute -= segment_offsets[period] second = get_and_convert(optaline, "timeSec", int) timestamp = iso8601.parse_date(event_timestring, default_timezone=pytz.utc) delta = timestamp - kickoffs[segment] gameclock = delta.total_seconds() # re-adjust pre-kick-off events (e.g. substitutions) to 00:00 gameclock = max(gameclock, 0.0) event_lists[team][segment]["timestamp"].append(timestamp) event_lists[team][segment]["minute"].append(minute) event_lists[team][segment]["second"].append(second) event_lists[team][segment]["gameclock"].append(gameclock) # location at_x = get_and_convert(optaline, "x", float) at_y = get_and_convert(optaline, "y", float) event_lists[team][segment]["at_x"].append(at_x) event_lists[team][segment]["at_y"].append(at_y) # qualifier qual_dict = {} for qualifier in get_and_convert(optaline, "qualifier", list, []): qual_id = get_and_convert(qualifier, "qualifierId", int) qual_value = qualifier.get("value") qual_dict[qual_id] = qual_value event_lists[team][segment]["qualifier"].append(str(qual_dict)) # create objects events_objects = {} for segment in segments: events_objects[segment] = {} for team in ["Home", "Away"]: events_objects[segment][team] = Events( events=pd.DataFrame(data=event_lists[team][segment]), direction=directions[team][segment], ) pitch = Pitch.from_template( "opta", length=metadata["length"], width=metadata["width"], sport="football" ) # pack objects data_objects = (events_objects, pitch) return data_objects