Source code for

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from lxml import etree

from floodlight.core.code import Code
from floodlight.core.pitch import Pitch
from floodlight.core.xy import XY
from floodlight.core.teamsheet import Teamsheet
from import get_and_convert

def _read_metadata_from_xml(
    filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path]
) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Pitch]:
    """Reads TRACAB's metadata file (xml format) and extracts match meta information
    such as framerate, periods and pitch.

    filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path
        Full path to _metadata.xml file.

    metainfo: Dict
        Dictionary with metainformation such as framerate.
    periods: Dict
        Dictionary with start and endframes:
        `periods[segment] = (startframe, endframe)`.
    pitch: Pitch
        Pitch object with actual pitch length and width.
    #  set up XML tree
    tree = etree.parse(str(filepath_metadata))
    root = tree.getroot()

    # parse XML file, extract matchinfo and period start/endframes
    metadata = {}
    periods = {}
    attributes = root.find("match").attrib

    framerate = attributes.get("iFrameRateFps")
    metadata["framerate"] = int(framerate) if framerate else None

    length = attributes.get("fPitchXSizeMeters")
    metadata["length"] = float(length) if length else None

    width = attributes.get("fPitchYSizeMeters")
    metadata["width"] = float(width) if width else None

    for elem in root.findall("match/period"):
        if elem.attrib["iEndFrame"] != "0":
            segment = "HT" + elem.attrib["iId"]
            start = int(elem.attrib["iStartFrame"])
            end = int(elem.attrib["iEndFrame"])
            periods[segment] = (start, end)

    pitch = Pitch.from_template(

    return metadata, periods, pitch

def _read_metadata_from_json(
    filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path]
) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict, Pitch]:
    """Reads TRACAB's metadata file (json format) and extracts match meta information
    such as framerate, periods and pitch.

    filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path
        Full path to _metadata.json file.

    metadata: Dict
        Dictionary with metainformation such as framerate.
    periods: Dict
        Dictionary with start and endframes:
        `periods[segment] = (startframe, endframe)`.
    pitch: Pitch
        Pitch object with actual pitch length and width.
    # load file
    with open(filepath_metadata, "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
        metafile = json.load(f)

    # bin
    metadata = {}
    periods = {}

    # get framerate
    metadata["framerate"] = get_and_convert(metafile, "FrameRate", int)

    # get length and with and convert from cm to m
    length = get_and_convert(metafile, "PitchLongSide", float)
    width = get_and_convert(metafile, "PitchShortSide", float)
    metadata["length"] = length / 100 if length else None
    metadata["width"] = width / 100 if width else None

    # get period start and end frames
    for i in range(1, 6):
        phase = f"Phase{i}"
        ht = f"HT{i}"
        phase_start = get_and_convert(metafile, phase + "StartFrame", int)
        phase_end = get_and_convert(metafile, phase + "EndFrame", int)
        if phase_start is None or phase_end is None:
        if phase_start == 0 or phase_end == 0:
        periods[ht] = (phase_start, phase_end)

    # create pitch
    pitch = Pitch.from_template(

    return metadata, periods, pitch

def _read_dat_single_line(
    package: str,
) -> Tuple[
    int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]]], Dict[str, Union[str, tuple]]
    """Extracts all relevant information from a single line of TRACAB's .dat file
    (i.e. one frame of data).

    package: str
        One full line from TRACAB's .dat-file, equals one "package" according to the
        file-format documentation.

    frame_number: int
        The number of current frame.
    positions: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]]]
        Nested dictionary that stores player position information for each team and
        player. Has the form `positions[team][jID] = (x, y, speed)`.
    ball: Dict[str]
        Dictionary with ball information. Has keys 'position', 'possession' and
    # bins
    positions = {"Home": {}, "Away": {}, "Other": {}}
    ball = {}

    # split package to chunks
    chunk1, chunk2, chunk3, _ = package.split(sep=":")

    # first chunk (frame number)
    frame_number = int(chunk1)

    # second chunk (player positions)
    targets = chunk2[:-1].split(sep=";")
    for t in targets:
        player_data = t.split(sep=",")
        # type conversions
        team, system_id, jID = map(lambda x: int(x), player_data[:3])
        x, y, speed = map(lambda x: float(x), player_data[3:])
        if team == 1:
            team = "Home"
        elif team == 0:
            team = "Away"
            team = "Other"
        # assign
        positions[team][jID] = (x, y, speed)

    # third chunk (ball data)
    ball_data = chunk3.split(sep=",")[:6]
    ball["position"] = tuple(map(lambda x: float(x), ball_data[:2]))
    ball["possession"] = ball_data[4]
    ball["ballstatus"] = ball_data[5][0]

    return frame_number, positions, ball

def _frame_in_period(
    frame_number: int, periods: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
) -> Union[str, None]:
    """Checks if a given frame is within the range of start- and endframe for all
    periods and returns the name of the period the frame belongs to, or None if it
    can't find any.

    frame_number: int
        Frame number to be checked.
    periods: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
        Dictionary with period start- and endframes of the form
        `periods[segment] = (startframe, endframe)` as it is returned by

    segment: str or None
        Name of the segment the frame belongs to, or None if it does not belong to any
        of the supplied segments.
    # determine current segment by iterating through all segments (i)
    segment = None
    for i in periods.keys():
        if frame_number in range(periods[i][0], periods[i][1] + 1):
            segment = i

    return segment

def _read_dat_jersey_numbers(filepath_dat: Union[str, Path]):
    """Reads entire TRACAB .dat file and extracts unique set of jIDs (jerseynumbers)
    for both teams.

    filepath_dat: str or pathlib.Path
        Full path to .dat file.

    home_jIDs: set
    away_jIDs: set
    # bins
    home_jIDs = set()
    away_jIDs = set()
    # loop
    with open(str(filepath_dat), "r") as f:
        while True:
            package = f.readline()
            # terminate if at end of file
            if len(package) == 0:
            # read line
            _, positions, _ = _read_dat_single_line(package)
            # Extract jersey numbers
            home_jIDs |= positions["Home"].keys()
            away_jIDs |= positions["Away"].keys()

    return home_jIDs, away_jIDs

[docs]def read_teamsheets_from_dat(filepath_dat: Union[str, Path]) -> Dict[str, Teamsheet]: """Parses the entire TRACAB .dat file for unique jIDs (jerseynumbers) and creates respective teamsheets for the home and the away team. Parameters ---------- filepath_dat: str or pathlib.Path Full path to .dat file. Returns ------- teamsheets: Dict[str, Teamsheet] Dictionary with teamsheets for the home team and the away team. """ # bin teamsheets = {} # get jerseynumbers (jIDs) homejrsy, awayjrsy = _read_dat_jersey_numbers(filepath_dat) # loop through teams for team, jIDs in zip(("Home", "Away"), (homejrsy, awayjrsy)): jIDs = list(jIDs) jIDs.sort() player = [f"Player {i+1}" for i in range(len(jIDs))] teamsheet = pd.DataFrame( data={ "player": player, "jID": jIDs, } ) teamsheet = Teamsheet(teamsheet) teamsheets[team] = teamsheet return teamsheets
[docs]def read_teamsheets_from_meta_json( filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path] ) -> Dict[str, Teamsheet]: """Reads TRACAB's metadata file (json format) and creates respective teamsheets for the home and the away team. Parameters ---------- filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path Full path to _metadata.json file. Returns ------- teamsheets: Dict[str, Teamsheet] Dictionary with teamsheets for the home team and the away team. """ # load file with open(filepath_metadata, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: metafile = json.load(f) # param teams = ["Home", "Away"] # bin teamsheets = {team: {var: [] for var in ["player", "pID", "jID"]} for team in teams} # loop through teams for team in teams: team_name = team + "Team" for player in metafile[team_name]["Players"]: first_name = get_and_convert(player, "FirstName", str, "") last_name = get_and_convert(player, "LastName", str, "") full_name = first_name + " " + last_name teamsheets[team]["player"].append(full_name) teamsheets[team]["pID"].append(get_and_convert(player, "PlayerID", int)) teamsheets[team]["jID"].append(get_and_convert(player, "JerseyNo", int)) teamsheets[team] = Teamsheet(pd.DataFrame(teamsheets[team])) return teamsheets
[docs]def read_position_data_dat( filepath_dat: Union[str, Path], filepath_metadata: Union[str, Path], teamsheet_home: Teamsheet = None, teamsheet_away: Teamsheet = None, ) -> Tuple[ Dict[str, Dict[str, XY]], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Teamsheet], Pitch, ]: """Parse TRACAB .dat-files (ASCII) and metadata (xml or json) and extract position data, possession and ballstatus codes, teamsheets as well as pitch information. ChyronHego's TRACAB system delivers two separate files, a .dat file containing the actual data as well as a metadata.xml containing information about pitch size, framerate and start- and endframes of match periods. This function provides a high-level access to TRACAB data by parsing "the full match" given both files. Parameters ---------- filepath_dat: str or pathlib.Path Full path to dat-file. filepath_metadata: str or pathlib.Path Full path to metadata.xml file. teamsheet_home: Teamsheet, optional Teamsheet object for the home team used to create link dictionaries of the form `links[team][jID] = xID`. The links are used to map players to a specific xID in the respective XY objects. Should be supplied for custom ordering. If given as None (default), teamsheet is extracted from the .dat or .json file (see Notes) and xIDs are assigned to the player's jersey numbers ascendingly (dat case) or in order of appearance (json case). teamsheet_away: Teamsheet, optional Teamsheet object for the away team. If given as None (default), teamsheet is extracted from the .dat or -json file. See teamsheet_home for details. Returns ------- data_objects: Tuple[Dict[str, Dict[str, XY]], Dict[str, Code], Dict[str, Code], \ Dict[str, Teamsheet], Pitch] Tuple of (nested) floodlight core objects with shape (xy_objects, possession_objects, ballstatus_objects, teamsheets, pitch). ``xy_objects`` is a nested dictionary containing ``XY`` objects for each team and segment of the form ``xy_objects[segment][team] = XY``. For a typical league match with two halves and teams this dictionary looks like: ``{'HT1': {'Home': XY, 'Away': XY}, 'HT2': {'Home': XY, 'Away': XY}}``. ``possession_objects`` is a dictionary containing ``Code`` objects with possession information (home or away) for each segment of the form ``possession_objects[segment] = Code``. ``ballstatus_objects`` is a dictionary containing ``Code`` objects with ballstatus information (dead or alive) for each segment of the form ``ballstatus_objects[segment] = Code``. ``teamsheets`` is a dictionary containing ``Teamsheet`` objects for each team of the form ``teamsheets[team] = Teamsheet``. ``pitch`` is a ``Pitch`` object corresponding to the data. Notes ----- Tracab provides metadata in two file types: xml and json. The json metadata files typically include player information whereas the xml files do not. The dat file storing tracking data (e.g. from an ASCII stream) contain only player jersey numbers, but no additional player information. This function will check whether the provided ``filepath_metadata`` points to a xml or json file. If it's a json, teamsheets are generated from this source. If it's a xml, teamsheets are generated from the dat file and players are named 'Player i' with i starting at 1. To identify players in this case, use the jersey numbers or provide custom teamsheets generated by a different parser if additional data is available. """ # check file type of metadata file_extension = filepath_metadata.split(".")[-1].upper() # read metadata and determine logic used for teamsheet parsing if file_extension == "XML": metadata, periods, pitch = _read_metadata_from_xml(filepath_metadata) teamsheet_parse_func = read_teamsheets_from_dat teamsheet_parse_file = filepath_dat elif file_extension == "JSON": metadata, periods, pitch = _read_metadata_from_json(filepath_metadata) teamsheet_parse_func = read_teamsheets_from_meta_json teamsheet_parse_file = filepath_metadata else: raise ValueError( f"Expected metadata file type to be from [XML, JSON], got {file_extension}." ) segments = list(periods.keys()) # create or check teamsheet objects with select teamsheet parsing functions & file if teamsheet_home is None and teamsheet_away is None: teamsheets = teamsheet_parse_func(teamsheet_parse_file) teamsheet_home = teamsheets["Home"] teamsheet_away = teamsheets["Away"] elif teamsheet_home is None: teamsheets = teamsheet_parse_func(teamsheet_parse_file) teamsheet_home = teamsheets["Home"] elif teamsheet_away is None: teamsheets = teamsheet_parse_func(teamsheet_parse_file) teamsheet_away = teamsheets["Away"] else: pass # potential check # create links if "xID" not in teamsheet_home.teamsheet.columns: teamsheet_home.add_xIDs() if "xID" not in teamsheet_away.teamsheet.columns: teamsheet_away.add_xIDs() links_jID_to_xID = { "Home": teamsheet_home.get_links("jID", "xID"), "Away": teamsheet_away.get_links("jID", "xID"), } # infer data array shapes number_of_home_players = max(links_jID_to_xID["Home"].values()) + 1 number_of_away_players = max(links_jID_to_xID["Away"].values()) + 1 number_of_frames = {} for segment in segments: start = periods[segment][0] end = periods[segment][1] number_of_frames[segment] = end - start + 1 # bins xydata = {} xydata["Home"] = { segment: np.full( [number_of_frames[segment], number_of_home_players * 2], np.nan ) for segment in segments } xydata["Away"] = { segment: np.full( [number_of_frames[segment], number_of_away_players * 2], np.nan ) for segment in segments } xydata["Ball"] = { segment: np.full([number_of_frames[segment], 2], np.nan) for segment in segments } codes = { code: {segment: [] for segment in segments} for code in ["possession", "ballstatus"] } # loop with open(filepath_dat, "r") as f: while True: package = f.readline() # terminate if at end of file if len(package) == 0: break # read line to get absolute frame (in file), player positions and ball info frame_abs, positions, ball = _read_dat_single_line(package) # check if frame is in any segment segment = _frame_in_period(frame_abs, periods) if segment is None: # skip line if not continue else: # otherwise calculate relative frame (in respective segment) frame_rel = frame_abs - periods[segment][0] # insert (x,y)-data into correct np.array, at correct place (t, xID) for team in ["Home", "Away"]: for jID in positions[team].keys(): # map jersey number to array index and infer respective columns x_col = (links_jID_to_xID[team][jID]) * 2 y_col = (links_jID_to_xID[team][jID]) * 2 + 1 xydata[team][segment][frame_rel, x_col] = positions[team][jID][0] xydata[team][segment][frame_rel, y_col] = positions[team][jID][1] # get ball data xydata["Ball"][segment][ frame_rel, ] = ball["position"] codes["possession"][segment].append(ball.get("possession", np.nan)) codes["ballstatus"][segment].append(ball.get("ballstatus", np.nan)) # create objects xy_objects = {} possession_objects = {} ballstatus_objects = {} for segment in segments: xy_objects[segment] = {} possession_objects[segment] = Code( code=np.array(codes["possession"][segment]), name="possession", definitions={"H": "Home", "A": "Away"}, framerate=metadata["framerate"], ) ballstatus_objects[segment] = Code( code=np.array(codes["ballstatus"][segment]), name="ballstatus", definitions={"D": "Dead", "A": "Alive"}, framerate=metadata["framerate"], ) for team in ["Home", "Away", "Ball"]: xy_objects[segment][team] = XY( xy=xydata[team][segment], framerate=metadata["framerate"] ) teamsheets = { "Home": teamsheet_home, "Away": teamsheet_away, } # pack objects data_objects = ( xy_objects, possession_objects, ballstatus_objects, teamsheets, pitch, ) return data_objects