Source code for floodlight.models.kinetics

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import g

from floodlight.utils.types import Numeric
from floodlight.core.xy import XY
from import PlayerProperty
from floodlight.models.base import BaseModel, requires_fit
from floodlight.models.kinematics import VelocityModel, AccelerationModel

[docs]class MetabolicPowerModel(BaseModel): """Class for calculating Metabolic Power and derived metrics from spatiotemporal data. Upon calling the :func:``-method, this model calculates the frame-wise Metabolic Power for each player. The following calculations can subsequently be queried by calling the corresponding methods: - Frame-wise Metabolic Power --> :func:`~MetabolicPowerModel.metabolic_power` - Cumulative Metabolic Power --> :func:`~MetabolicPowerModel.cumulative_\ metabolic_power` - Frame-wise Equivalent Distance --> :func:`~MetabolicPowerModel.equivalent_\ distance` - Cumulative Equivalent Distance --> :func:`~MetabolicPowerModel.cumulative_\ equivalent_distance` Notes ----- Metabolic Power is defined as the energy expenditure over time necessary to move at a certain speed, and is calculated as the product of energy cost of transport per unit body mass and distance [:math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}`] and velocity [:math:`\\frac{m}{s}`]. Metabolic Power and Energy cost of walking is calculated according to di Prampero & Osgnach [1]_. Energy cost of running is calculated with the updated formula of Minetti & Parvei [2]_. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from floodlight import XY >>> from floodlight.models.kinetics import MetabolicPowerModel >>> xy = XY(np.array(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 2))), framerate=20) >>> metabolic_power_model = MetabolicPowerModel() >>> >>> metabolic_power_model.metabolic_power() PlayerProperty(property=array([[1164.59773017], [ 185.59792131], [9448.10007077], [8593.05199423]]), name='metabolic_power', framerate=20) >>> metabolic_power_model.cumulative_equivalent_distance() PlayerProperty(property=array([[ 323.49936949], [ 375.05434763], [2999.52658952], [5386.4854768 ]]), name='cumulative_equivalent_distance', framerate=20) References ---------- .. [1] `di Prampero P.E., Osgnach C. (2018). Metabolic power in team sports - Part 1: An update. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(08), 581-587. < a-0592-7660>`_ .. [2] `Minetti, A.E., Parvei, G. (2018). Update and extension of the ‘Equivalent Slope’ of speed changing level locomotion in humans: A computational model for shuttle running. Journal Experimental Biology, 221:jeb.182303. < and-extension-of-the-equivalent-slope-of>`_ """ # Coefficient of air resistance from di Prampero (2018). K = 0.0037 # Coefficients of polynomial to calculate the walk-run-transition # velocity based on the equivalent slope from di Prampero (2018). RUNNING_TRANSITION_COEFF = np.array((-107.05, 113.13, -1.13, -15.84, -1.7, 2.27)) # Cutoffs of equivalent slope for using the corresponding polynomial to calculate # energy cost of walking at a certain velocity from di Prampero (2018). ECW_ES_CUTOFFS = np.array([-0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]) # Coefficients of polynomials to calculate energy cost of walking from di # Prampero (2018). ECW_POLY_COEFF = np.array( [ [0.28, -1.66, 3.81, -3.96, 4.01], [0.03, -0.15, 0.98, -2.25, 3.14], [0.69, -3.21, 5.94, -5.07, 2.79], [1.25, -6.57, 13.14, -11.15, 5.35], [0.68, -4.17, 10.17, -10.31, 8.66], [3.80, -14.91, 22.94, -14.53, 11.24], [44.95, -122.88, 126.94, -57.46, 21.39], [94.62, -213.94, 184.43, -68.49, 25.04], ] ) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._metabolic_power_ = None @staticmethod def _calc_es(vel, acc): """Calculates equivalent slope based on the formula by di Prampero & Osgnach (2018) Parameters ---------- vel: np.array velocity acc: np.array acceleration Returns ------- es: np.array equivalent slope """ es = (acc / g) + ((MetabolicPowerModel.K * np.square(vel)) / g) return es @staticmethod def _calc_em(es): """Calculates equivalent mass based on the formula by di Prampero & Osgnach (2018) Parameters ---------- es: np.array equivalent slope Returns ------- em: np.array equivalent mass """ em = np.sqrt(np.square(es) + 1) return em @staticmethod def _calc_v_trans(es: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the walking to running transition velocity at a certain equivalent slope based on the formula of di Prampero (2018). Parameters ---------- es: np.array equivalent slope Returns ------- v_trans: np.array Array with the respective transition velocity """ es_power = np.stack( ( np.power(es, 5), np.power(es, 4), np.power(es, 3), np.power(es, 2), es, np.ones(es.shape), ), axis=-1, ) v_trans = np.matmul(es_power, MetabolicPowerModel.RUNNING_TRANSITION_COEFF) return v_trans @staticmethod def _is_running(vel: np.ndarray, es: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Checks if athlete is walking or running based on the model of di Prampero (2018). Parameters ---------- vel: np.array Velocity es: np.array Equivalent slope Returns ------- is_running: np.ndarray Array containing boolean values indicating whether an athlete is running (True) or not (False). """ # Calculate walk-run-transition velocity v_trans = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_v_trans(es) is_running = (vel >= v_trans) | (vel > 2.5) return is_running @staticmethod def _get_interpolation_weight_matrix(es: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates interpolation weight matrix. This matrix is designed for a calculation of ECW in a single sweep by determining the interpolation weights of all 8 ECW_ES_CUTOFFS for given ES values. Parameters ---------- es: np.array Equivalent slope Returns ------- W: np.array Interpolation weight matrix of shape (T frames, N players, len(ECW_ES_CUTOFFS)=8) containing interpolation coefficients from range [0, 1]. """ # Number of frames T = es.shape[0] # Number of players N = es.shape[1] # Pre-allocated interpolation weight matrix with 3 dimensions (T frames, N # players, len(CUTOFFS)=8 polynomials) W = np.zeros((T, N, len(MetabolicPowerModel.ECW_ES_CUTOFFS))) # Index of each ES regarding its position in CUTOFFS. # E.g. es = 0.25 -> es will be sorted between CUTOFFS[5] and CUTOFFS[6], # idxs = 6 idxs = MetabolicPowerModel.ECW_ES_CUTOFFS.searchsorted(es) # Mask for non-edge cases (es outside of CUTOFFS) mask = (idxs > 0) & (idxs < 8) # Initialize grids for appropriate indexing of W along axis=0 (time) and # axis=1 (player) grid_t, grid_n = np.mgrid[0:T, 0:N] # Fill W with the right interpolation weights for each time t (axis=0), # player n (axis=1) and polynomial (axis=2) W[grid_t[mask], grid_n[mask], idxs[mask] - 1] = ( MetabolicPowerModel.ECW_ES_CUTOFFS[idxs[mask]] - es[mask] ) * 10 W[grid_t[mask], grid_n[mask], idxs[mask]] = ( es[mask] - MetabolicPowerModel.ECW_ES_CUTOFFS[idxs[mask] - 1] ) * 10 # Fill edge cases (es not in range of CUTOFFS) with 1 because they are # calculated with the corresponding min/max CUTOFFS W[idxs == 0, 0] = 1 W[idxs == 8, 7] = 1 return W @staticmethod def _calc_ecw(es: np.ndarray, vel: np.ndarray, em: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates energy cost of walking based on formula (13), (14) and table 1 in di Prampero & Osgnach (2018). Parameters ---------- es: np.array Equivalent slope vel: np.array Velocity em: np.array Equivalent mass Returns ------- ECW: np.array Energy cost of walking """ # Interpolation weight matrix W = MetabolicPowerModel._get_interpolation_weight_matrix(es) # Matrix product of ECW_ES_CUTOFFS and W, ie. weighted factors in polynomials WC = np.matmul(W, MetabolicPowerModel.ECW_POLY_COEFF) # Calculate vel^4 + vel^3 + vel^2 + vel + 1 for every frame and player V = np.stack( ( np.power(vel, 4), np.power(vel, 3), np.power(vel, 2), vel, np.ones(vel.shape), ), axis=-1, ) # Multiply WC and V. Calculate sum of terms. Multiply with em ECW = np.multiply(np.multiply(WC, V).sum(axis=2), em) return ECW @staticmethod def _calc_ecr(es: np.ndarray, em: np.ndarray, eccr: Numeric = 3.6) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates Energy cost of running based on formula (3) and (4) from Minetti & Parvei (2018). Parameters ---------- es: np.array Equivalent slope em: np.array Equivalent mass eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. Returns ------- ecr: np.array Energy cost of running """ # Cost of negative gradient from Minetti (2018) def _cng(es: np.ndarray): return -8.34 * es + eccr * np.exp(13 * es) # Cost of positive gradient def _cpg(es: np.ndarray): return 39.5 * es + eccr * np.exp(-4 * es) # Energy cost of running. Where es < 0 calculate cost of negative gradient. # Where es >= 0 calculate cost of positive gradient. ecr = np.piecewise(es, [es < 0, es >= 0], [_cng, _cpg]) * em return ecr @staticmethod def _calc_ecl( es: np.ndarray, vel: np.ndarray, em: np.ndarray, eccr: Numeric = 3.6 ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate Energy cost of locomotion. Parameters ---------- es: np.array Equivalent slope vel: np.array Velocity em: np.array Equivalent mass eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. Returns ------- ecl: np.array Energy cost of locomotion """ # Check where locomotion is running running = MetabolicPowerModel._is_running(vel, es) # Calculate energy cost of walking for entire array ecl = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_ecw(es, vel, em) # Substitute ecw with energy cost of running where locomotion is running ecl[running] = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_ecr(es[running], em[running], eccr) return ecl @staticmethod def _calc_metabolic_power( es: np.ndarray, vel: np.ndarray, em: np.ndarray, framerate: Numeric, eccr: Numeric = 3.6, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates metabolic power as the product of energy cost of locomotion and velocity. Parameters ---------- es: np.array Equivalent slope vel: np.array Velocity em: np.array Equivalent mass eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. Returns ------- metp: np.array Metabolic power """ # Calculate energy cost of locomotion ecl = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_ecl(es, vel, em, eccr) # Calculate metabolic power as product of ecl and velocity (m/s) metp = ecl * vel return metp
[docs] def fit( self, xy: XY, difference: str = "central", axis: str = None, eccr: Numeric = 3.6 ): """Fit the model to the given data and calculate metabolic power for every player. Notes ----- To give appropriate results, unit of coordinates must be in meter. Parameters ---------- xy: XY Floodlight XY Data object. difference: {'central', 'forward}, optional The method of differentiation to calculate velocity and acceleration. See :func:`~floodlight.models.kinematics.VelocityModel` for further details. axis: {None, 'x', 'y'}, optional Optional argument that restricts distance calculation to either the x- or y-dimension of the data. If set to None (default), distances are calculated in both dimensions. eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. """ # Velocity velocity_model = VelocityModel(), difference=difference, axis=axis) velocity = velocity_model.velocity() # Acceleration acceleration_model = AccelerationModel(), difference=difference, axis=axis) acceleration = acceleration_model.acceleration() # Equivalent slope equivalent_slope = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_es(, ) # Equivalent mass equivalent_mass = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_em(equivalent_slope) # Metabolic power metabolic_power = MetabolicPowerModel._calc_metabolic_power( equivalent_slope,, equivalent_mass, xy.framerate, eccr ) self._metabolic_power_ = PlayerProperty( property=metabolic_power, name="metabolic_power", framerate=xy.framerate, )
[docs] @requires_fit def metabolic_power(self) -> PlayerProperty: """Returns the frame-wise metabolic power as computed by the ``fit()``-method. Returns ------- metabolic_power: PlayerProperty A Player Property object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the frame-wise metabolic power. """ metabolic_power = self._metabolic_power_ return metabolic_power
[docs] @requires_fit def cumulative_metabolic_power(self) -> PlayerProperty: """Returns the cumulative metabolic power. Returns ------- metabolic_power: PlayerProperty A Player Property object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the cumulative metabolic power calculated by numpy.nancumsum() over axis=0. """ cum_metp = np.divide( np.nancumsum(, axis=0), self._metabolic_power_.framerate ) cumulative_metabolic_power = PlayerProperty( property=cum_metp, name="cumulative_metabolic_power", framerate=self._metabolic_power_.framerate, ) return cumulative_metabolic_power
[docs] @requires_fit def equivalent_distance(self, eccr: Numeric = 3.6) -> PlayerProperty: """Returns frame-wise equivalent distance, defined as the distance a player could have run if moving at a constant speed and calculated as the fraction of metabolic work and the cost of constant running. Parameters ---------- eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. Returns ------- equivalent_distance: PlayerProperty A Player Property object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the frame-wise equivalent distance. """ eq_dist = / eccr cumulative_metabolic_power = PlayerProperty( property=eq_dist, name="equivalent_distance", framerate=self._metabolic_power_.framerate, ) return cumulative_metabolic_power
[docs] @requires_fit def cumulative_equivalent_distance(self, eccr: Numeric = 3.6) -> PlayerProperty: """Returns cumulative equivalent distance defined as the distance a player could have run if moving at a constant speed and calculated as the fraction of metabolic work and the cost of constant running. Parameters ---------- eccr: Numeric Energy cost of constant running. Default is set to 3.6 :math:`\\frac{J}{kg \\cdot m}` according to di Prampero (2018). Can differ for different turfs. Returns ------- cumulative_equivalent_distance: PlayerProperty A Player Property object of shape (T, N), where T is the total number of frames and N is the number of players. The columns contain the cumulative equivalent distance calculated by numpy.nancumsum() over axis=0. """ cum_metp = np.divide( np.nancumsum(, axis=0), self._metabolic_power_.framerate ) cum_eqdist = cum_metp / eccr cumulative_equivalent_distance = PlayerProperty( property=cum_eqdist, name="cumulative_equivalent_distance", framerate=self._metabolic_power_.framerate, ) return cumulative_equivalent_distance