Source code for floodlight.vis.positions

import matplotlib

from floodlight.vis.utils import check_axes_given

[docs]@check_axes_given def plot_positions( xy, frame: int, ball: bool, ax: matplotlib.axes, **kwargs ) -> matplotlib.axes: """Scatter plots positions for a given frame of an XY object on a matplotlib.axes. Parameters ---------- xy: floodlight.core.xy.XY XY object containing spatiotemporal data to be plotted. frame: int Number of frame to be plotted. ball: bool Boolean indicating whether this object is storing ball data. If set to False marker="o", else marker=".". ax: matplotlib.axes Axes from matplotlib library on which the positions are plotted. kwargs: Optional keyworded arguments e.g. {'color', 'zorder', 'marker'} which can be used for the plot functions from matplotlib. The kwargs are only passed to the plot functions of matplotlib. Returns ------- axes: matplotib.axes Axes from matplotlib library on which the positions are plotted. Notes ----- The kwargs are only passed to the plot functions of matplotlib. To customize the plots have a look at `matplotlib <>`_. For example in order to modify the color of the points pass a color name or rgb-value (`matplotlib colors <>`_) to the keyworded argument 'color'. The same principle applies to other kwargs like 'zorder' and 'marker'. .. _positions-plot-label: Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from floodlight.core.xy import XY >>> from floodlight.core.pitch import Pitch >>> from floodlight.vis.positions import plot_positions >>> # positions >>> pos = np.array( >>> [[35,5,35,63,25,25,25,50], >>> [45,10,45,55,35,20,35,45], >>> [55,10,55,55,45,20,45,45], >>> [88.5,20,88.5,30,88.5,40,88.5,50]]) >>> # create XY object >>> xy_pos = XY(pos) >>> # create Pitch object >>> football_pitch = Pitch(xlim=(0,105), ylim=(0, 68), unit="m", sport="football") >>> # create matplotlib.axes >>> ax = plt.subplots()[1] >>> # plot football pitch on ax >>> football_pitch.plot(ax=ax) >>> # plot positions on ax >>> plot_positions(xy=xy_pos, frame=0, ball=False, ax=ax) >>> .. image:: ../../_img/positions_example.png """ # kwargs which are used to configure the plot with default values. # All other kwargs are just getting passed to the scatter() method. marker = kwargs.pop("marker", "o" if not ball else ".") color = kwargs.pop("color", "black" if not ball else "grey") zorder = kwargs.pop("zorder", 1) # plotting the positions # if ball is false if not ball: ax.scatter( x=xy.x[frame], y=xy.y[frame], marker=marker, color=color, zorder=zorder, **kwargs, ) # if ball is true elif ball: ax.scatter( x=xy.x[frame], y=xy.y[frame], marker=marker, color=color, zorder=zorder, **kwargs, ) return ax
[docs]@check_axes_given def plot_trajectories( xy, start_frame: int, end_frame: int, ball: bool, ax: matplotlib.axes, **kwargs, ) -> matplotlib.axes: """Draws the trajectories of an XY object from a given time interval on a matplotlib.axes. Parameters ---------- xy: floodlight.core.xy.XY XY object containing spatiotemporal data to be plotted. start_frame: int Starting frame of time interval to be plotted. end_frame: int Closing frame of time interval to be plotted. ball: bool Boolean indicating whether this object is storing ball data. If set to False marker="o", else marker=".". ax: matplotlib.axes Axes from matplotlib library on which the trajectories are drawn. kwargs: Optional keyworded arguments e.g. {'linewidth', 'zorder', 'linestyle', 'alpha'} which can be used for the plot functions from matplotlib. The kwargs are only passed to all the plot functions of matplotlib. Returns ------- axes: matplotib.axes Axes from matplotlib library on which the trajectories are drawn. Notes ----- The kwargs are only passed to the plot functions of matplotlib. To customize the plots have a look at `matplotlib <>`_. For example in order to modify the color of the lines pass a color name or rgb-value (`matplotlib colors <>`_) to the keyworded argument 'color'. The same principle applies to other kwargs like 'zorder' and 'linestyle'. .. _trajectories-plot-label: Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from floodlight.core.xy import XY >>> from floodlight.core.pitch import Pitch >>> from floodlight.vis.positions import plot_trajectories >>> # positions >>> pos = np.array( >>> [[35,5,35,63,25,25,25,50], >>> [45,10,45,55,35,20,35,45], >>> [55,10,55,55,45,20,45,45], >>> [88.5,20,88.5,30,88.5,40,88.5,50]]) >>> # create XY object >>> xy_pos = XY(pos) >>> # create matplotlib.axes >>> ax = plt.subplots()[1] >>> # create Pitch object >>> football_pitch = Pitch(xlim=(0,105), ylim=(0, 68), unit="m", sport="football") >>> # plot football pitch on ax >>> football_pitch.plot(ax=ax) >>> # plot positions on ax >>> plot_trajectories(xy=xy_pos, start_frame=0, end_frame=4, ball=False, ax=ax) >>> .. image:: ../../_img/trajectories_example.png """ # kwargs which are used to configure the plot with default values. # All other kwargs are just getting passed to the plot() method. color = kwargs.pop("color", "black" if not ball else "grey") zorder = kwargs.pop("zorder", 1) # ball trajectories are thinner per default linewidth = kwargs.pop("linewidth", 1 if not ball else 0.5) # iterating over every object (for instance players) in the XY.xy array and plot the # trajectories for the given range of frames for i in range(0, xy.N): x = xy.x[start_frame:end_frame, i] y = xy.y[start_frame:end_frame, i] ax.plot(x, y, color=color, zorder=zorder, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs) return ax