Source code for floodlight.vis.utils

from functools import wraps

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def check_axes_given(func): """Decorator function that checks if a matplotlib.axes is given as an argument. Creates one if not. Parameters ---------- func: Function object that needs a matplotlib.axes as an argument. If ax == None an axes is created an passed to the given function object as a keyworded argument. Returns ------- func: Function with matplotlib.axes as additional argument if not specified. Otherwise the function is returned as it is. """ @wraps(func) def add_ax(*args, **kwargs): # actual wrapper function that gets args and kwargs # from the funtion that was passed # If matplotlib.axes is not given (ax == None) an axes is created. if not kwargs.get("ax"): kwargs.pop("ax") # Remove ax from kwargs ax = plt.subplots()[1] # Create matplotlib.axes return func(*args, ax=ax, **kwargs) # return function with axes # If matplotlib.axes is given nothing changes and the function is returned with # the given *args and **kwargs return func(*args, **kwargs) return add_ax